FAQ Page

Questions that are asked by members, and concert goers!

 Is it harder to play contrabass than C flute?

Contrabass flute is not harder to play, but like any new instrument - especially a large instrument - it will feel awkward for a while until a player can find a comfortable way to play. The embouchure, fingering, notes - everything else is really the same.

What is the difference between a flute orchestra and a flute choir?

In the director’s opinion, a flute ensemble has 2 - 15 players; a flute choir has 9 - 24 players, and a flute orchestra has more than 25 players and also always contains a full range of flutes including piccolo, C flute, alto, bass, and contrabass flutes.

Is WMFO the only flute orchestra?

No! There are numerous flute orchestras all over the world. The National Flute Conventions have presented fantastic performances by a Venezuelan Flute Orchestra and a Mexican Flute Orchestra. Great Britain has a history of flute bands as well, used in parades and festive events. Closer to home, there are fantastic flute groups throughout the United States, with at least 3 flute orchestras in the state of Michigan. Most major universities and many smaller colleges also have flute choirs or ensembles.

As a member in the WMFO, Can I choose what parts I play in the flute orchestra? Can I choose not to play low instruments?

In WMFO, players of every kind are needed on all parts. Some players, however, have personal and medical reasons not to play low instruments. People with small hands, for instance, have a hard time playing straight-head alto or bass flutes; some players have other medical issues which prevent them from playing low instruments comfortably. People with any of these issues are welcome to ask not to play a low instrument in the group.

I’m a flute teacher! Can I be listed on your website?

You are welcome to be listed on our website for a fee of $25.00 per year, plus a sustaining, student, or active membership in WMFO. Send us a message through the contact page to request this privilege.

What types of membership are available in WMFA?

Full members: pay full dues and are eligible to perform (includes youth 16 and older who pass one time audition) - $100.00

Sustaining members: pay premium dues, get listed in the program and are also eligible to perform - $200.00

Associate members: non-voting, non-performing members with reduced dues, they can play on recitals and are invited to all WMFA events at member rates - $25.00

Corporate sponsers : non-voting, non-performing members. They receive certain perks, as decided by the board of directors. - $100.00