WMFA Activities

In addition to the performing ensembles of the WMFO and Great Lakes Flutes ensembles, the West Michigan Flute Association organizes recitals, Lunch and Learns, and youth competitions. The West Michigan Flute Orchestra also performs regularly at the Grand Rapids Festival of the Art, and National Flute Association Conventions.


Special Events: Summer in the Park, Recitals, NFA, Grand Rapids Summer Festival


Series: Lunch and Learn, Park and Play

Activities and Special Events

In addition to offering performance members the opportunity to perform in the largest flute ensemble in the MidWest, the West Michigan Flute Association offers lunch and learn classes, recitals, and more. Incidental ensembles are created by like minded members and perform in communities across Michigan and recitals.

WMFA Recitals

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Lunch and Learn

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National Flute Association

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Youth Competition

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Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts